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10 Tips To Engage GenZ With Content Marketing In 2024

Getting GenZ interested in your brand is a different ball game altogether. Their attention spans are low, their preferences keep changing and they don’t fall for fake claims or make impulse decisions. The only way brands can break through the clutter today is with content marketing. Or rather, creative and engaging content strategies. Though appealing to the GenZ market could be a tough nut to crack, it isn’t as hard as you might think. Over the years, we have observed that GenZ is getting increasingly active online and loves to engage with brands that go beyond just selling.

GenZ expects brands to be more creative and responsible with their marketing. Though content marketing isn’t a new concept, there are very few brands that have succeeded in winning trust with powerful content strategies. This article will therefore take you through some tried and tested content marketing tips to enhance your brand appeal among GenZ consumers.

1. Entertain Your Audience With Meme Marketing

The golden rule to impress your GenZ consumers is to never miss a chance to entertain them. GenZ loves brands that are fun, cool, and entertaining and the current trend of meme marketing is a testament to that. Meme marketing is an absolute hit among GenZ and you must hop on the bandwagon if you haven’t already. While it’s true that not all brands can leverage meme marketing to their advantage, you could try to bring in some humor in your marketing without steering away from your brand personality.

2. Capitalize On Visual Content

GenZ is believed to spend close to 4.5 hours daily on social media. Snapchat, Tiktok, and Instagram are among the most popular social media platforms among GenZ, thanks to its highly visual nature. GenZ consumers love experimenting with visual effects and music on social media which means brands should make innovative use of these features. Visual content is now in trend with consumers being glued to short-form videos. If you are still relying solely on static content, you are probably perceived as an outdated brand. Use a combination of catchy images plus powerful videos to connect with GenZ and crush the competition.

3. Make It Interactive

If you think simply publishing content consistently would do wonders for your brand, you are wrong. Letting your target audience passively consume content is such an outdated marketing tactic. Interact with your audience and encourage them to comment, tag or have conversations around the published content. Simply conducting a poll or quiz could drive massive engagement from GenZ. Though brands have been investing in interactive content, the creativity element is still missing. Your job isn’t over simply by conducting an online poll on social media or asking your target audience to tag friends or share your content. You need to publish content that genuinely arouses interest among GenZ and compels them to participate in online conversations involving your brand.

4. Always Respond To Your Followers










You successfully managed to get GenZ to interact with your brand. What next? You proceed with your next post or blog, right? No! You first need to respond to your followers. GenZ expects brands to acknowledge their likes, preferences, and opinions. Meaningful interaction is the key to building customer loyalty. If your only goal is to gather maximum comments or shares in the short term, you can risk leaving those comments unattended. But if you want to turn followers into brand advocates, you better give responses promptly. GenZ is tech-savvy, spoiled with choices, and would switch to another brand without a second thought if your content marketing just revolves around publishing content and not making your audience feel heard.

5. Convey Your Brand Values Through Marketing

What does your brand stand for? What are your brand’s values? These things matter to GenZ consumers more than before. The younger generation prioritizes values like diversity and inclusion and can no longer be lured with just product USPs or discounted prices. The brand’s stand on social issues is closely monitored by GenZ as they are keen to associate with brands that share the same values as theirs. Craft your content such that the audience knows that you aren’t just a brand selling products/services with sole profit motives, but one that stands rooted in its core values.

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6. Communicate In A Personal, Organic Manner

Don’t make the mistake of taking a templated approach while devising your content strategies. The GenZ is least interested in aggressive content that sounds too pushy. Add a personal touch to your communications and be updated on new phrases and acronyms that GenZ frequently uses. You risk being perceived as an outdated brand if you aren’t up to date with the internet slang currently in trend. Know their likes and dislikes, connect with them on a personal level and you will see the difference for yourself.

7. Partner With Micro-Influencers

GenZ adores social media influencers who create relatable content more than film actors/actresses. If you want GenZ to take notice of your brand, you would need to rope in some influencers. Unlike huge celebrities, content creators or influencers are easily accessible to followers. They interact with their followers frequently which is one thing GenZ loves. By including influencer marketing in your content strategy, you can get them to try your products more easily than you imagined. Collaborate with the right influencers and GenZ wouldn’t shy away from trying their product recommendations and sharing their feedback.

8. Assure Customers Of Their Privacy And Security

Unlike the older generations, GenZ knows everything about online data privacy and security. Any business that has an online presence needs to be transparent about how it will use data shared by consumers. Showcase transparency in your communications. Publish content that reassures GenZ of your best practices to ensure data privacy and protection. A stickler for transparency, GenZ would appreciate any attempts from your end that emphasize honesty and integrity. Keep it real and address their concerns genuinely, the rest will take care of themselves.

9. Build A Community

GenZ likes to share their opinions and interact with like-minded individuals. They are constantly switching between devices and platforms and voice their opinions fearlessly on online platforms. Brands could leverage this to build a community and ultimately inspire brand loyalty. Your content should be real, authentic and have an emotional appeal. Feeling seen and heard is important for GenZ and you must focus on building a community with relatable content. The pandemic especially has made community building more important than ever and brands must make it a point to foster a sense of belonging among GenZ.

10. Co-Create Content With GenZ

While you should be creative and innovative with your content, you should also encourage GenZ consumers to create content around your brand. Adopt a hashtag strategy, ask users to share their photos or videos where they showcase your products/services or design a contest. Real photos of real consumers will boost your brand’s popularity while you also reduce the burden of content creation and fill the content void with impactful user-generated content.

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Final Thoughts

GenZ has high expectations from brands today and it wouldn’t be wrong to say that marketing to them could get quite challenging in the long run. GenZ consumers are extremely tech-savvy and trend-driven. They are ambitious and at the same time responsible and conscious of the consequences of their actions. A thoughtful content strategy is the key to successfully marketing to the younger demographic.

If you are at a loss on how to lure GenZ to your brand, the above-discussed tips can serve as a starting point for your marketing efforts. The likes and preferences of GenZ keep changing and aligning your content marketing strategies in response to the fast-moving trends could be a bit daunting if you are managing your marketing singlehandedly without professional assistance. Outsourcing your content marketing to a reputable marketing agency is the best way to stay on top of trends and be among the top favorite brands of GenZ.


Looking for an agency with a proven track record in content marketing? Webtraffic is a full-service digital marketing agency in Mumbai with a bouquet of bespoke services for businesses. We specialize in a variety of content formats with dedicated teams to handle every aspect of your marketing flawlessly. Get in touch with us today to elevate your brand to greater heights with marketing tailored exclusively to your business goals.

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