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Is Email Marketing Really Dead? We Say No!

‘Email marketing is so outdated. My business doesn’t need it anymore!.’ If you are among those with similar thoughts, this article is a must-read for you. Digital marketing has undoubtedly evolved to include a wide range of advanced tactics and it’s natural for businesses to concentrate their efforts on newer marketing tools trending at the moment to reap maximum benefits. But this doesn’t mean old marketing tools have lost their significance.

If your definition of email marketing is sending out bulk emails with no personalization or focused targeting, then probably you are right. That kind of email marketing doesn’t lead you anywhere. With over 4 billion daily email users around the world, email marketing isn’t dead. While some email marketing practices might be dead now, email as a marketing tool still has the potential to generate $36 for every 1 dollar spent. It is one of the most cost-effective channels helping businesses engage prospects through different stages of their buying journey.

Why is email marketing still relevant? Listed below are a few reasons that shed light on why businesses should invest in email marketing in 2022 and the years ahead :

1. Email Holds Reader Attention As The Inbox Is A Less Cluttered Space

The internet has grown to become a cluttered space with users constantly switching between apps and scrolling mindlessly. The inbox is comparatively a less cluttered space that can hold the attention of the reader for a considerable amount of time. Unlike other popular marketing channels like social media, the possibility of a user getting distracted is much less here. Businesses should leverage emails to capture prospects’ attention and establish a deep connection. A well-designed email can prompt immediate action from prospects as the inbox has fewer distracting elements.

2. Email Marketing Helps Both Acquire And Retain Customers

Email marketing is the most effective tool to engage new leads and win back past customers. As a small business or a new business that’s just starting, it might not be feasible to invest in every other marketing channel out there. Email marketing helps businesses move prospects from the awareness to the action stage in the most cost-effective manner. With 99% of the users checking their email every day, the power of a good email to win new customers cannot be underestimated. Another challenge that could be addressed with email marketing is winning back past customers. An old customer who is no longer buying from you can be lured back with a personalized email. Emails are highly effective in abandoned cart situations where a simple reminder email can nudge the customer to take action.

3. Emails Enable Timely, Targeted Messaging

A personalized email is the perfect way to make the right impression on your customers. Any marketing effort that lacks personalization gets lost in the digital noise. Emails are a great tool to get the audience interested in this new era of personalization. Emails have an edge over other marketing tools in that it enable timely deployment of targeted messages. From sending wishes on birthdays and special occasions to sending discounts on their favorite products, emails can prompt actions instantly with a high degree of personalization. With email list segmentation, businesses can gather detailed information about their target audience's behavior, tastes, and preferences without being invasive.

4. Email Marketing Genuinely Boosts Sales

With more customers shifting to online shopping, email has proved to be a powerful marketing tool to boost e-commerce sales. Emails can drive higher conversion rates as it has one of the highest open and click-through rates in comparison to other marketing channels. Emails can attract quality traffic to a website or landing pages which eventually amplifies conversions and boosts ROI. Some studies even suggest that emails have the potential to boost sales by as much as 1617%.

5. More Than 80% of Consumers Love To Hear From Their Brands Via Email

Around 83% of consumers love receiving emails from their favorite brands. This is a testament to the fact that email marketing is still relevant despite the emergence of numerous other marketing channels. When people still prefer email communications, there is no reason why businesses should refrain from email marketing. People prefer to receive updates and promotional content from brands via emails as they add a personal touch to the marketing when done right away. Email marketing when done correctly can generate a whopping ROI of $36 for every dollar spent.

Email Marketing Best Practices To Achieve Maximum ROI

If your email marketing efforts never yielded satisfactory results, your campaign is certainly missing out on some key elements. Here are a few actionable tips that will come in handy the next time you create an email campaign :

  1. Stick to less than 3 typefaces for better visual appeal
  2. Regularly clean your mailing list
  3. Keep the main message and CTA above the fold
  4. Personalize email subject lines
  5. Split test subject lines and CTAs
  6. Use responsive, mobile-friendly email templates


Final Thoughts

With the potential to generate ROI more than any other channel, email marketing isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. If you never found success with email marketing, it’s time to introspect and revisit your marketing strategies. Most businesses assume that email marketing is no longer useful when in reality their marketing techniques are to be blamed for abysmal results. Email marketing practices need to be optimized in response to the evolving customer expectations. Using the same old techniques and expecting phenomenal outcomes just doesn’t make sense. Email marketing is simple and budget-friendly which are crucial benefits for new businesses that can’t spend extravagantly on marketing.


Juggling between marketing your business and running your business? You can trust us with your marketing responsibilities! Webtraffic Agency is a full-service digital marketing agency in Mumbai with comprehensive capabilities to elevate businesses of all sizes and budgets. Our email marketing services will increase your open rates and fetch the market's best ROI with cutting-edge strategies. Get in touch with us today to realize your true business potential!

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